SMS Login, public event registration, forms for events
Members may now choose to receive a SMS code (if you have entered their phone # in their data) instead of an emailed code upon initiating sign-in. Note that they will still be asked for their email address as the initial step during login to identify their account
We now support various currencies and locales for currency formatting. This means we can set things like currency symbols and thousand separators (i.e. £35,00 instead of $35.00). We’re reaching out to all of our European and South American customers to make this change for them
Events now support public registration (if enabled for the event). This includes everything from charging for tickets to letting them RSVP. Registrants receive an email.
Public-registration events now have unique sharable links. These events may also be registered for through your embedded calendar widget
You may now manually cancel or change the status of event registrations.
Forms may now be connected to non-recurring events, allowing you to ask additional questions upon registration. Note that this is not enabled for events that are open to registration for the public
Form fill request emails now link directly to the form, popping it open immediately upon member login